Weslake Speedway Bike
Drive Train
Speedway racing has a long rich history, going back to the 1920's. It gained significant popularity, particularly in the US and the UK. Speedway motorcycles are specialized machines designed for short, fast oval tracks. They are lightweight, have no brakes, and are equipped with a single-speed gearbox. The bikes are typically powered by a single-cylinder engine, and their design focuses on agility and speed.
Harry Weslake was a renowned British engineer and motorcycle designer, born in 1897 and known for his significant contributions to the field of automotive engineering. Weslake played a crucial role in the development of high-performance engines, particularly in the realm of motorcycle racing. His expertise and innovations were instrumental in the success of numerous racing teams, and his engines powered several winning motorcycles in prestigious competitions. Weslake's impact extended beyond motorcycles, as he also contributed to the design of high-performance car engines. His legacy endures as a pioneering figure in the history of motorsports engineering, leaving an indelible mark on the world of racing and automotive technology.
Purchased by our client in 2021, the bike had purportedly been restored to race-ready condition. It has remained a stand out art piece in our client's collection since his acquistion.
Email ingo@genauautowerks.com
or call 415.730.5352 for more information